Crew Leaders and checkers require several supplies and gear specific to making the Harvest process come together. Below are PickTrace's guidelines and recommendations:
PickTrace-specific Hardware
- Ensure you have enough devices for harvest
- Ensure you have enough mobile printer (if hiring in field, providing production receipts, and/or printing badges)
- Device user has a charger or knows where charging station is
- Ensure all devices are updated to the most recent version
- Always have extra receipt paper for the printers on hand!
Wearable Gear
- Vests
- Fanny Pack to carry the device and all supplies
- Backpacks
Employee Badges & Clips
- Plastic badge holders with clips for Employee Badges
- Clips to connect the badges to the bin
- Option 1: Use zip ties with these black metal binder clips
- Option 2: Strap ClipOption 3: Binder Clip
Bin Tags
- Bin tags are crucial to the Harvest Best Practice Process!
- Formatting requirements:
- Barcode must be code 128 format
- All numbers, letters, and symbols are accepted in any combination and length with one important exception. The # prefix will only be supported if it is followed by 'B', for example #B. Otherwise, any combination of numbers, letters, and symbols following the # prefix will not be supported.
- A bin tag can be all letters, all numbers, or all symbols. Any combination is accepted.
- Supported Symbols! @ $ % ^ & * ( ) ~ < > / ' “ [ ] { } \ | + _ ~ ` and # ( if followed by B)
- If using a three-part bin tag, make sure the barcode is printed on all three parts. This will help you identify unscanned bins if there is a bin count difference.
- Avoid printing striped designs behind the barcode. This could cause scanning issues.
- Bin tags are unique to the day. If you scan a bin with the same number more than one time in a day, the previously scanned bin will pull up on the device to alert you but you will not be able to create a new production record with the same bin number on the same day.
- Bar code must be unique for every ticket. For example: 150GALA00001, 150GALA00002, etc.
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